About two months ago, we got some new neighbors! A lovely couple of red-tailed hawks build their new home in a tree right outside of our kitchen window. They spent weeks collecting the perfect twigs and branches, and when they had completed their dream home, they moved in and began "nesting" LITERALLY! A week or two ago, their first little one arrived, shortly after that, the second baby made an appearance, we noticed # 3 this morning. Heather let us borrow her camera and ridiculous lens so that we could send a proper announcement of these precious creatures out to our peeps. They have been so much fun to watch. I can't wait until they start learning how to fly. I read that they do "practice circles" around their nest for weeks before they are pushed out into the world - that will be really amazing. I also read that hawks mate for life, and once they find a good spot for a nest, they come back year after year. This will be a fun tradition for Liam to experience in the spring time each year. I pray they do come back!
Thai Red Curry Potsticker Soup
12 hours ago
kari, really fantastic pictures, We haven't seen our babies at that stage, only once they start their flights. Even that is truly amazing to watch. Yes, Liam will love to get to see nature at its' best!
wow this is really neat. hawks are pretty sweet. do you remember playing hawk hawk? that must be some lens, dang nice shots!
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