Friday, July 4, 2008

Baby Basics

Tonight Kurt and I hit our first session of a 3 part class called "Baby Basics" at West Hills Hospital. The purpose of the class is to get you prepared for when your newborn comes home - they cover things like basic infanft care, bathing, diapering, safety, and cpr.

There were about 10 couples in the class - all pretty much due within a month of either side of us. 2 of the couples are also using our OB/GYN (one of them a lesbian couple who is due just 2 days before me - we could potentially be in the hospital at the same time!)

The class was actually kind of fun and both Kurt and I learned something new - now if we can only remember it when we actually need it! They also gave us HOMEWORK! Next weeks topic is safety, so we have to make a presentation on how to safeguard a swimming pool for baby.

Since tomorrow is July 4th, Kurt and I don't have to work - yeah! Sleeping in, hanging by the pool, and heading to The Kenmans for dinner.