Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I don't know about you... but I like soft, fuzzy, cuddly, snuggly things... and apparantly so does Liam! He has a little giraffe blanket that he got before he was born, that he LOOOOVES... i have been feeling lately, like the little fuzzy-furry blanket just isn't big enough (now that Liam is getting bigger)... so, i was at Costco today and found a big fuzzy leopard print throw... all i have to say is that it was worth every single penny of the $39.99 ... i think this purchase will give us many moments of fun :)... just check out the smiles we got today.

even though we can't see it... i am willing to bet the grin is ear to ear under the fur!




Anonymous said...

this must be heaven for Liam, the way he loves soft and furry. I remember him here lovin on the thing we have. It is very cool! good purchase.

Tiffany said...

I can't get over how cute he is. he is looking like such a little boy now days too. Great pic's!

Suzanne@the best kind to have said...

So sweet. He is so cute I can't stand it.

becoming-mom said...

This is too adorable! Jasper LOVES soft things too.. he can't pass a pillow without lying his little head down on it. From an early age he would just dive into a prone position on the couch and snuggle in enjoying the plush fabric! it kills me everytime.