Friday, October 24, 2008

Oktoberfest Party at the Yorks!

Liam officially attended his first Oktoberfest Party! We celebrated the occasion over at Chris and Wendy's house - and partied with the usual suspects :)
Todd and Kam, Brooke and Evan, and Dave and Jeanne plus all the dogs!
Liam was a good "little terror" and slept through dinner so we could all relax, and barely woke up enough to realize that he was in the middle of the appetizer island! Todd isn't sure whether to choose the artichoke dip, or gobble up the yummy baby... hmmm tough choice, but i would choose the baby :)
Love from EvanLiam already is the Center of Attention!

My adorable husband dressed for the occasion!The gorgeous Brooke and Kammy.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

ha too cute i love Kurt's outfit ... what a crack up. Liam is growing so fast! I can't wait to get our boys together. love you guys!